Understanding By Design

Using the UbD Design Approach for Business and Comparing with the Learning Outcomes 3 Column Approach

Allison J. Parsons

Lamar University

Author Note

This report is for the completion of course 2023_Spring EDLD_5313_D01_2

Creating Significant Learning Environment with Professor Kelly Grogan

Written by: Allison Parsons Katy, TX.

e-Portfolio address: allisonparsons.com


This report will examine the effectiveness of using the UbD, Understanding by Design, Approach for a recruiting business.  The business considerations are that students are applying to study in North America from South Korea.  The three main steps in succeeding as an exchange student are; the documentation gathering and application forms, the interview at the North American Embassy, and the learning curve and reduction of the effective filter whilst learning in the foreign country.  The report will compare and contrast both the UbD approach with Fink’s Learning Outcomes Three Column Table.  

Keywords: UbD, Understanding by Design, Backward Planning, Fink’s Learning Outcomes Three Column Table

Using the UbD Design Approach for Business and Comparing with the Learning Outcomes Three Column Approach

How one learns is as different as how one should create a learning environment.  A learning environment for the visual learner would be less effective for the auditory learner, while a kinesthetic learner would struggle to learn in an environment meant for the written learner.  To the same degree one can not use one approach to creating a learning environment, but it is more useful to have multiple approaches in order to meet a grander scale of learners.  The learning environment we create must morph and change instead of being rigid and unchanging.  Learning different styles creates an ability to meet the learner where they are in the process, but most importantly meets the learner on how they tend to best learn.  Comparing and contrasting both approaches, the UbD and Fink’s approach, one can use the benefits of both systems to better the final outcome of a business.  In essense, the business plan must be able to conform with changing attitudes and times.    

The UbD Approach

As stated by Wiggins, “UbD is not a philosophy in teaching, it is not an approach to teaching, it is a planning framework.” (Wiggins, pg. 7)  The planning framework is to look at where we want our students, or in the business world the customer, to be by the end of the process.  Using the UbD Approach, the end goal is to have students study in North American, with the outcome of higher English proficiency, success at the chosen university, and life knowledge gained through experiences.  If students are able to come back from studying overseas and gain a better understanding of themselves, gain a more worldly perspective, and increase their English proficiency with the assumption proficiency including cultural proficiency then their trip has been successful and in turn my business has delivered on its promise.  As Wiggins continues in his writings, “It is our job to know where it is we want to end up.  However, part of our job is to build autonomous, proactive, thoughtful people.” (Wiggins, 1:33-1:45)  Much like the teacher who should be building student to be their own individuals as Wiggins explains, the business of recruiting exchange students is to have students who can thrive living on their own, able to problem solve, and think for themselves in terms of what is best.  With this in mind, the UbD approach has morphed my business plan to focusing what it means to be successful in my business.  

What does success look like?

Having the end in mind, success in the framework of recruiting successful exchange students has three determining factors with all of which needing to be realized after the experience has culminated.  First, was the student able to thrive living in a foreign land?  Second, was the student able to solve problems on their own?  Lastly, was the student able to think for themselves while living on their own?  Having this as the end goal, there appears to have two major issues to having these three goals, that being how does one assess this and secondly, how does one preemptively select those individuals that have the best potential for achieving these goals.  Having worked through the UbD process more questions need to be pondered and answered thereby creating a better business model.

Using Abstract Data to Formulate Concrete Results

 How does one formulate data that is abstract into concrete data for self-reflection?  “The value definition defines the collection of values for the ADT (Abstract Data Types) and consists of two parts.  Definition Clause and Condition Clause.” (stackoverflow.com)  One can extrapolate this into defining success criteria on one end and defining conditions for success and failure on the other.  The definition of success can be accomplished via a beginning of year, BOY, a middle of the year, MOY, and an end of the year, EOY survey.  The survey can be created in order to diagram a heat map of growth throughout the year.  One can assume, that as time goes by the effective filter will be reduced which can be visualized through survey answers.  Also, the learning curve both academic and culture can be identified through questions answered in the survey.  This survey also allows us the ability to adapt our services both before attending university overseas and during.  

The condition for success can be stated, if students are reducing their affective filter and shortening their learning curve one can assume the program and its pre-trip knowledge is successful.  Also, one can assume if the EOY survey results are positive in nature then the program is successful.  The UbD assists the ability to calculate an end goal in order to guide a path of success.  

Filtering Potentially Successful Exchange Students

Not every student can or should attempt to study overseas.  Study a few hours from home in South Korea is vastly different than studying half-way around the world.  The type of student that tends to be successful are those that are independent, adventurous and self sufficient.  This is not to say they do not depend on their family, as a strong family unit plays an important role in an exchange student’s success.  However, the family unit needs to be able to give their child enough freedom to make and live with their decisions.  One red flag that appears in the recruiter interview process is when the interviewer asks the student a question and the parent takes control and answers the question.  This is one aspect that should be notated in the file as a potential of a student who may not be able to live abroad and make their own decisions.  However, using the UbD in the business model, the end goal of the business is to have students study overseas as the more students able to be successful international students equates to more business revenue.  If one notices a parent oversharing in an interview one could separate the parent and the student giving the student a chance to answer honestly and freely.  Another aspect to note is how a student handles the stress of applying.  If the student is able to use the informative website and answer their questions it shows their problem solving skills.  However, if a student’s first move is to call the office to get an answer that is available on the website, perhaps this student needs to work on their problem solving skills.  As the information of UbD was learned, the idea of where the business needs to be at the end has resulted in a business plan to light the pathway of success by backward planning.  

Comparing UbD and Fink’s Approach

In my opinion, utilizing both UbD and Fink’s approaches can be beneficial to my overall business plan.  The UbD approach has helped in creating a clearer idea on how I can evaluate my business’ success and/or failure.  As I was reviewing and researching, it tended to answer the questions I have been searching for on how to evaluate the business’ performance.  On the other hand, Fink’s approach gave a clearer, methodical approach to how students can be successful in realizing their dreams.  I feel it is important to utilize both approaches how it best fits my business.  It is also important to realize their are multiple planning approaches and it is the job of a business owner to learn multiple approaches and fit the approach that works best for that time.  The essence of learning is that it is never complete.  That has never been so apparent as it has been the last few weeks.  Every approach whether it be concrete or abstract can benefit any teacher, but it can benefit those who do not teach as well.  These approaches to learning are not for the educators alone as these are best practices to improve learning for anyone.


Association for Supervision & Curriculum Development. (2005). Understanding by design, expanded 2nd Edition.

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YouTube. (2013, February 28). Grant Wiggins – understanding by design (1 of 2). YouTube. Retrieved February 26, 2023, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4isSHf3SBuQ