2022_Fall_EDLD_5302_D02_3 – Concepts of Educational Tech_OCT_19 ALL Assignments

Contribution to Your Learning and the Learning Community for EDLD 5302 & EDLD 5305

Below I am including all assignment with comments about each in order to have all of course EDLD 5302 in one place. I hope this makes it easier for finding all my work in the future.

Thoughts about this assignment: As I wrote this I did many edits as my mind was in different places. Now looking back, I find it interesting how this really does incorporate the growth mindset and perseverance. Coming out the other end of the semester, I feel my journey is a culmination of hard work and a very large learning curve. Below are my thoughts both from right after ending the semester and a bit of time after to really allow a true reflection.

EDLD 5302 Concepts of Educational Tech- better EDLD 5305 Disruptive Innovation in Tech Bad

As I sit down to write my self-assessment I want to write this with a growth mindset, however, I must say that I am in a place where my fixed mindset seems to be overpowering me at this time.  With that being said, my core collaboration group consists of my business partner in South Korea, my husband and business sounding board and Nancy Ellison, my main university contact in the United States.  Throughout both courses I was able to use the information gained to look at changing my business model with technology as a foundation for teaching potential international students.  As this is in its infancy stage, I do not have full data.  However, I have been able to share some videos with students that are preparing to come over next semester.  It was received well and I think the ability to build that much needed background knowledge will be beneficial when they come over.  Approximately, half way through the courses, I was able to fly over to Korea and meet with seven of my partner universities.  In our business meetings, I was able to bring up the possibility of creating a digital library that interested students could utilize.  The reaction from the majority of the universities was positive.  From that meeting I am now collecting videos about living in the United States and the cultural differences.  Between Youtube and Naver, a Korean website, I have been able to create a decent beginning library of videos and information.  In that respect, what is working for me is adapting my business to what I am learning in the class.  

On the other hand, what is not working is the actual assignments.  Excuse this upcoming writing as I understand this is coming from a fixed mindset with the hopes of changing to a growth mindset.  The enormous hours spent reading the texts, studying the videos and researching is very difficult for me.  I feel like if I was a native speaker it most definitely would not be this hard.  Having to read and reread and reread again the text, while looking up all the academic words takes a long time and it is most definitely hard.  There have been many nights while everyone else in my house is sleeping that I break down and cry because it feels like I will never accomplish my goal.  There have been many times I wanted to quit, but I have my goal and I want so much to accomplish my goals.  I know I can do it and I am so thankful for Dr. Bedard for her compassion and understanding.  I want so much to walk across that stage and receive my diploma, but I understand there is much I need to do to get there.  I have learned that I need to ask my husband for help when I am studying.  He is able to explain things in a way that makes sense.  Going into completing my assignments that are incomplete, I will ask more questions.  The information I am getting is great and has helped me and my business very much, I realize that what I am lacking is the university way of expressing what I have learned.  

In conclusion, if I were to mark my performance I would give myself a C- or D in what I did in terms of assignments.  That is not due to a lack of effort.  However, in terms of time spent learning I would give myself a B.  I have learned so much about technology and how it can help my business, I have learned what it means to have a growth mindset.  I have actually formulated a plan to use technology in my business.  These courses have given my business potential to help others move and thrive in the United States.  I started my business in order to help other Koreans, my brothers and sisters in Korea, realize their dreams.  I have been very fortunate to be able to move to the United States and I found a good life.  Korea is a wonderful country and I am proud to call myself Korean, but I am more proud to label myself Korean-American.  I only hope this self-assessment explains what I have gained from Lamar University and especially Dr. Bedard.  I am excited to complete and revise the work that was done incorrectly and go into next semester with a better idea on what to do.  At the end of the day, I do have a growth mindset and I equate this as a learning experience.    

As a new year approaches and time has passed, I feel I have worked hard to really study the expectations and have learned a lot since first writing this review.  I am very thankful for the extra time given to me in order for me to learn and produce what I feel is better work as it has been clearer for me.  I have began to make technological changes within my business to make it more efficient for my students and the universities I serve.  Some of the changes that have been made is that I have begun to create a library of videos that have been made by others for the different categories I have deemed important.  I have also started this week to script out and record a few videos specific to the U.S. universities that I work with and their admission requirements.  I have also started looking at the TOEFL online test with the thought of creating a video selection for that seeing how important that is for attendance as a foreign student.  I am very excited that I have learned so much and through my knowledge I feel I have shared it with my learning community specifically the students I work with and the universities I am contracted with.  This is by no means finished and I do not believe it will ever be completely finished.  I feel this is a foundation for my business for going forward with technology at its helm.  Lastly, I feel that as technology continues to grow, I will be able to adapt to those changes and grow with the changing times.  If we fail to plan, then we plan to fail.

Assignment #1- Growth Mindset Plan

This assignment had really changed my way of thinking. The purpose of going for my masters was to see how I could challenge myself and to learn new things that could impact me personally and professionally. This assignment by far did just that. It changed my outlook personally as I was able to look at challenges differently. I started and continue to this day raise my children with the growth mindset in mind when rearing my children. Little did I know then, that this assignment would need to be relied on heavily as I faced multiple challenges throughout the semester. Below is Assignment #1

Planning with the Growth Mindset

Allison Parsons

Lamar University

The Benefits of Incorporating the Growth Mindset

What does the best athlete, the best artist, the best actor/actress, the best teacher, singer, the best whoever, have in common?  I would venture to answer that they failed at some point in their life. They all had to push through barriers to achieve their success. They had to realize they could do better and did not let failure define them. As motivational speaker and inspirational author Israelmore Ayivor said, “If you think it is possible, it will be possible. If you think it is impossible, the impossible will be possible. Whatever you think; whether possible or impossible will forever be possible to happen.”  Dr. Carol Dweck hypothesizes there are two types of mindsets in people, the fixed and the growth mindsets. In essence, the fixed mindset believes either you have it or you don’t whereas the growth mindset believes one is capable of getting better through practice and effort.  Those that incorporate the growth mindset into their lives can dissolve the ceiling of innate ability by understanding learning is gained through failure and challenges. 

Incorporating the Four Steps into All Aspects of Life

If done correctly, one can adopt and adapt the growth mindset to all aspects of one’s life. Looking internally, this philosophy can garner success professionally as an entrepreneur, personally as a parent and educationally as a student. According to mindset The New Psychology of Success by Dr. Carol Dweck, the four-step process to change your mindset are: Learn to hear your fixed mindset “voice,” recognize that you have a choice, talk back to it with a growth mindset voice, and lastly, take the growth mindset action. 

Incorporation the Four Steps into a Professional Life

As a liaison, my job is to assist university students transition from learning at a South Korean university to learning at a United States university. Even before students enter the U.S. to study, they face many challenges that need to be overcome. Some of these challenges of stopped some of these students from making the commitment to obtain their goals of studying in the United States. For example, I have had a number of students go through the entire application process lasting months to complete, then get approved to attend the university in the United States but fail the E-2 student visa interview assessing their English ability, which is the very last phase of coming to the United States.  After this large setback I have had student give up on their dream and never attempt to study in the United States again. Had I known about the growth mindset previously, I could have encouraged that the student now has learned what type of questions were going to be asked and practice those type of answers. That failure could have turned into the realization of a dream had they not given up. One could argue their fixed mindset brought to light an inability to achieve their goals as opposed to having a growth mindset that would encourage a second attempt with more knowledge gained. 

By hearing the inner-fixed mindset voice, either myself or my student could recognize the self-destructive inner voice and start the process of changing from failure to success. These students that have found themselves in this situation could continue to see that they have a choice. The inability to come over to the United States does not mean the end of the dream if cultivated correctly. As the liaison, I could have coached the student and both universities as to the next steps to get the student to realize their dreams and having both interested universities of achieving their professional goals. When a student does not go to the United States to study, the Korean university does not have a student representative at that particular U.S. university and the U.S. university is losing out on diversity on their campus and the financial interest. Recognizing the choice would be beneficial to all involved had I known more about this process. The choice of trying again the next semester is a real possibility. The major steps in the process were complete and with a bit of studying and practicing the student could have passed the interview. It could be argued, the student’s experience would be that much better after overcoming the challenges. In my organization, if we can look at a setback as a beacon for change and growth, the organization has a higher potential for financial success. 

Incorporation the Four Steps into a Personal Life

Personally, as a parent it is imperative my children internalize this mindset because nothing in life comes easy and overcoming obstacles is imperative for their growth. For myself, adapting the growth mindset will help the self-doubt that creeps in at times. It is important through my schooling to set my goals in terms of what is learned and gained as opposed to what grade was achieved. The goal for endeavoring on my masters was not to obtain a 4.0, but instead was to challenge myself and learn more of my potential to obtain information. Looking internally, I feel learning another language, moving to a foreign country, and becoming successful is the foundation to my positive self-talk. I remember first moving to the United States and feeling very uncomfortable many times.  I was unsure of my ability to communicate with strangers, with my husband and my children. I had an extreme amount of self-doubt, and it caused me to freeze many times. Now that I have worked hard on my English, it has brought me confidence and has been the spark to attempt to obtain my masters in a United States university. My hope is that my children see my determination and never feel like they are unable to reach their goals. 

The one issue I have with Dr. Dweck’s writing is understanding the issues causing the inner saboteur. I feel it is important to investigate what is causing the self-doubt prior to attempting to change a mindset.  For example, a person that has experienced a major trauma may need to work on their socio-emotional needs prior to working towards changing to a growth mindset. When someone has experienced multiple traumas, it is important to fix those issues prior to working towards self-actualization. As Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theorizes, the subject’s basic needs must be met prior to moving up the pyramid.  With that being said, if someone has realized their basic needs, and is working towards self-actualization, the growth mindset has the potential to help expedite the process.

Assignment #2- Learning Manifesto-

This assignment puts forth the desire to speak in order to make it come to reality. I think one only truly grows once they strip away all the layers. To me this was what this assignment was for me. It showed the main purpose of the why and how. Having the why and how written brought in the focus of the goal of creating and learning something that could be brought into my organization to better everyone. In order to not become stagnate one must change and learn as one grows. Innovation does just that. Looking back a mere 50 years, education and learning has changed this world in ways that would never have been thought of. This assignment put a focus on the need to learn in order to grow. Below is assignment #2.

Learning Manifesto

By: Allison Parsons

The Importance of Education:

What is something you do 12-16 hours a day every day?  Perhaps for you, there is nothing that you do for that much time every day.  However, if you were a Korean child the answer is easy, the answer is study at school.  The Korean school culture is highly demanding and highly competitive and for this reason students’ study at school 12-16 hours a day.  That does not include the time they spend studying at home.  You see, all of this studying is in preparation for a cumulative test called the Suneung.  The Suneung is the College Scholastic Ability Test that is accepted by all Korean universities.  This exam determines the university you are able to attend and therefore the university determines your future job, which in essence, determines your future.  Rules that all Korea follows when the Suneung is being administered:

  1. All planes are prohibited from taking off and landing from 1:05 p.m. -1:40 p.m. during the English listening portion of the exam.
  2. Any planes in the air during this time must fly at least 3 km above ground until the test is completed
  3. All protests are put on hold
  4. Working hours will be delayed
  5. The test begins at 8:45 a.m. and will conclude promptly at 5:45
  6. Extra buses, trains and subway cars are made available to ensure easier ability to make it to the test on time.
  7. 800 public cars are made available for those students who may have car issues that can be requested by calling the transportation agency. 

-according to Korea JoongAngDaily.

This test is only offered once in a lifetime for each student, hence why Koreans work so hard to make sure this one day that is held on the third Thursday of November runs without a hitch.  This also creates an enormous amount of stress on the students who are taking the test for that year.  Imagine preparing for something for 18 years that will determine the rest of your life and once it is completed you have to wait weeks for the results.  Self-doubt sneaks into many young students’ minds and many do the unthinkable because they feel their performance will not afford them a promising future.  That is where my company steps in.  I experienced all of this as a Korean student.  I spent 18 years of my life working towards this test; however, I was fortunate whereas my parents felt it was not the end all for my future back then.  Thankfully they were right.  As a liaison between Korean and U.S. universities I work with those schools that are not the top elite schools because those students already will have plenty of opportunity.  I like to work with those schools and students who do not have many of the same opportunities and give them a blueprint or opportunity to make a new path for themselves.  There is something true about the American Dream still being alive.  Perhaps some don’t see it because those people are too close to the trees to notice they are standing in the forest, but for those like myself who have been transplanted into the American culture it is very noticeable.  It is my belief that the American Dream is attainable through education.

Passion and Drive:

My passion is to give those students who did not do the best on the Suneung a chance to achieve greatness to have a second chance.  Other than your score on the Suneung, another highly thought of resume builder for companies is English proficiency.  Companies like Samsung, LG, POSCO and others demand high TOEIC scores for their employees.  To show a company that you are deserving of that good job, one can show they studied overseas in an English-speaking country.  Many students do not know how to even start the process to study overseas.  Even if they wanted to study overseas many are stonewalled with lack of knowledge and their dream evaporates into a dream.  However, as my company visits with students at these universities, kids are smiling and dreaming as I discuss the opportunity to study overseas.  The promise of assistance to make their dream a reality is met with unbridled enthusiasm.  The hard work and countless hours spent working on paperwork is all worth it when students meet their dream and thank me for making their dream come true.  It is worth more than one could ever monetize.  

Areas of Growth for my business:

What I have noticed is that when students start the process the expectation does not meet the reality.  When this occurs, some students push through and work to push through this fear or unknown while others quit.  The quitters are the ones I think can be helped and at the same time those that would push through will have an easier go of it due to the fact that they will have better information.  The two major stumbling blocks within the process of studying abroad are the visa process and all that is needed to complete, and the cultural knowledge and language needed when getting to the United States.  

The visa process is very difficult.  All the forms are hard to fill out and research is needed to get the right papers for each question asked.  The cost of obtaining the visa is rather high as well.  If a mistake is made in the paperwork, or if the authorities do not like one of the answers, then one must start all over and pay the fees again.  All of which can be very difficult for one’s psyche.  The last part of the visa process is the interview.  This is the make or break part of the process.  This final hurdle for many students is the first time they will be face to face with a native English speaker in a high-pressure situation.  Many freeze up and can’t answer the questions asked during the interview process.  This causes them to fail the visa after spending months and months preparing.  This devastation can end the dream right there.

Cultural knowledge and language needed for when students arrive in the United States is much different than what has been learned in school in Korea.  In Korea we learn the grammatical way of English.  Nearly any Korean can tell you why in English you would say the big, red, hard, plastic ball instead of the red, big, plastic hard ball.  They would explain all about the order of adjectives and based on this list the adjectives must go in a specific order, however I would venture to say that very few if any Korean would be able to answer the question for here or to go.  

How can technology bridge the gap and solve solutions:

Technology can help solve both of these issues.  In terms of the visa process, having a video library of each form needed to get a student visa and how to fill it out correctly.  A step-by-step version for each form.  Technology can spawn into a community of travelers or students who study abroad to help each other out as they fill out the forms.  Perhaps a business can be created where students use the business to double check their work and make sure it is correct prior to sending off to the embassy.  I feel a community involving those that are interested in coming over to the United States and those that have already studied and those that are currently studying abroad.  This community can solve the issues with common questions that students should know prior to moving.  This would decrease the learning curve when studying in the U.S. thereby giving more time to delve into the culture and studies.  Time spent overseas as a student is limited so if one can reduce the uncomfortable adjustment time when moving that means that uneasiness is lessened garnering deeper growth and learning.  

Lastly, I think it is important to mention that as technology changes so must our approach to preparing students.  For example, I believe there is a major opportunity within the VR field to use this technology to have students experience culture without leaving their living room.  Through VR these communities can take on a new look and the same participants can meet in the virtual world to discuss their experiences.  


Person. (2022, November 17). National College Entrance Exam kicks off. koreatimes. Retrieved November 19, 2022, from https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2022/11/281_339984.html 

Planes, trains and automobiles prepped ahead of annual CSAT Exam. Korea joongAng Daily. (2022, November 16). Retrieved November 19, 2022, from https://koreajoongangdaily.joins.com/2022/11/16/national/socialAffairs/korea-csat-suneung/20221116184125040.html 

TEDxYouth. (2012, October 16). Stop stealing dreams: Seth Godin at tedxyouth@bfs. YouTube. Retrieved November 19, 2022, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sXpbONjV1Jc 

2022_Fall_EDLD_5305_D02_3 – Disruptive Innovation in Tech_OCT_19

Contribution to Your Learning and the Learning Community for EDLD 5302 & EDLD 5305

Below I am including all assignment with comments about each in order to have all of course EDLD 5302 in one place. I hope this makes it easier for finding all my work in the future.

Thoughts about this assignment: As I wrote this I did many edits as my mind was in different places. Now looking back, I find it interesting how this really does incorporate the growth mindset and perseverance. Coming out the other end of the semester, I feel my journey is a culmination of hard work and a very large learning curve. Below are my thoughts both from right after ending the semester and a bit of time after to really allow a true reflection.

Assignment #1- Innovation Proposal-

Prior to taking this course, I felt I was doing everything possible for my business. As a business owner, there is pride in what I have accomplished. I remember the days where there was no business and doubt had crept in. Was this going to be a viable business. Although the jury is still out, the business has grown and it feels as if I am a proud parent of a teenager. The business is still a bit immature but thinks it knows all. That is where my business was when I wrote this innovation proposal. I thought I was doing everything right until looking inwardly at my business and then I realized there was so much more I could be doing, especially in the realm of technology, to grow my business. Below is my assignment.

Innovation Proposal

By: Allison Parsons

To: The administration of ___________ University

As you know, your students who have decided to make the commitment to move to the United States to study have had trouble adapting to the way of life when arriving in the United States.  It is important that we prepare those interested in studying abroad for the reality as opposed to the expectations.  It can be argued that if one can have some background knowledge on the steps on how to move to the U.S. for studying as well as the nuanced cultural differences would be beneficial to reduce the time needed to become acculturated.  Another consideration that is needed for these students is the reality of the process of getting a student visa.  

We have learned a lot since the pandemic on how technology can bridge the connection between people when we can’t be face to face.  With that in mind, I propose we use technology to fulfill the needs our students have prior to making their way to the United States to help build their background knowledge.  In order to best serve our students I propose a three prong approach to informing and preparing these individuals for their experience studying abroad.  

The first prong is to learn from those who have gone before.  None of the students going to study will be trailblazers in this endeavor.  We can use a mentor/mentee relationship using Microsoft Teams, Zoom or any other real-time face to face software to inform those that will soon venture to the United States.  

The second prong in this project will be to create a library of videos, blogs, and posts from individuals who have studied abroad expressing their experiences when they immigrated to the United States.  This vast library can build a wealth of background knowledge prior to the students going wheels up on the plane.  Creating a true sense of community can create a team approach to studying in the U.S.  Along the same lines, the third prong would be to provide an arena for having virtual town halls with possibilities of presentations from those who have gone before or round table discussions or a version of TED Talk style discussions.  

Jauregi K. & Bañados E. (2008) entitled Virtual Interaction through video-web Communication: A step towards enriching and internationalizing language learning programs found that real life experiences builds comprehension through kinesthetic learning.  Much like what Stephen Krashen theorized about SLA (Second Language Acquisition) whereas “Acquisition requires meaningful interaction in the target language- natural communication”.  Both can be brought forward to the proposal that real life, natural communication can help foster cultural understanding for those without real world experience.  They can learn and prepare for such interactions prior to coming over to the United States.  Jauregi & Bañados surmised: 1. Learners activate all resources to understand the NS (native speaker) and communicate with him or her, 2. Authentic and spontaneous communication, 3. Develop fluency with less hesitation and pauses, 4. Learn to take initiative, 5. Interactions meet all conditions necessary to promote language acquisition, 6. The objective of interaction is to communicate and understand each other and 7. Favors real and authentic communication.  

The second piece of research I would like to bring to bear is that of The British Educational Research Association at the Wiley Library entitled Mobile collaborative language learning: State of the art.  The current review has identified such SLA core principles as comprehensive input, comprehensive output, noticing of a new language and negotiation of meaning in interaction, with various degrees of feedback provided   to the learners. The frequently employed social constructivist learning approach is frequently associated with the combination of all these principles, with a focus on the negotiation of meaning in interaction approach and the opportunities for feedback afforded both through the learners’ use of mobile technologies and also offered by the teachers.  Therefore, one could argue that Mobile collaboration as it is proposed can give authentic constructs for comprehensible input and comprehensible output with the end goal of creating second cultural understanding as opposed to Krashen’s theory of creating second language acquisition.  

I have included the research below for your review.  

  • Jauregi, K., & Bañados, E. (2008). Virtual interaction through video-web communication: A step towards enriching and internationalizing language learning programs. ReCALL, 20(2), 183–207. https://doi.org/10.1017/s0958344008000529 
  • Kukulska-Hulme, A., & Viberg, O. (2017). Mobile Collaborative Language Learning: State of the art. British Journal of Educational Technology, 49(2), 207–218. https://doi.org/10.1111/bjet.12580 
  • Lin, M.-H., Chen, H.-g, & Liu, kuang-S. (2017). A study of the effects of digital learning on learning motivation and learning outcome. EURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 13(7). https://doi.org/10.12973/eurasia.2017.00744a 
  • Salva, C., & Matis, A. (2017). Boosting achievement: Reaching students with interrupted or minimal education. Seidlitz Education. 

Literature Review-

This assignment was where my stress began. Funny thing is that the importance of this assignment was not the content, but it was me learning that if I worked hard and was giving the gift of a second chance that I could do this and accomplish my goals. I must say that the research that was gained from the literature review was beneficial to my business, but this assignment taught me about myself and how tough I can be to get things done. Writing this right now brings me to literal tears as the stress and feeling of hopelessness was becoming very strong. Now looking back I can smile and say I can do it and I can get through it. I can say that I will walk across that stage and get my diploma. Below is the literature review assignment.

Literature Review

By:  Allison Parsons

Lamar University

EDLD 5305


This literature review will look at the topics of the need for background knowledge and its effect on successful comprehension.  Also, the review will investigate second language acquisition strategies and theories while at the same time cover the importance of culture in language and its influence on developing language.  By the end of this review, one should understand the importance of background knowledge, the research strategies that create effective language acquisition and the influence of culture within the development of language.  

Importance of Building Background Knowledge

One’s life experiences, one’s information gained from readings or listening to others experiences or stories makes up background knowledge.  This background knowledge is the foundation for growth and understanding.  Appendix A Table 6 shows the correlation between background knowledge and achievement through a mean score.  As seen, beginner students showed a +38% difference from those with background knowledge and those without, while intermediate and advanced students recorded a 50% and 63% respectively.   Table 7 shows the effectiveness of pre-teaching information prior to reading.  Those students who indicated prior knowledge with an elementary language proficiency showed a +25% difference, however both the gap in intermediate language proficient students reduced to a +5% and +12% for intermediate and advanced respectively. (Tarlani‑Aliabadi et al., 2022, p. 10)  The effectiveness of having information or knowledge prior to learning something tied to that prior information is beneficial as one can connect the information already gained with the new information thereby creating a deeper understanding.  

Vocabulary Comprehension Leading to Intelligence

The importance of background knowledge then leads to the question of, what do we do if someone does not have any knowledge of the subject.  Elementary school teacher Ann-Margaret Manyak collaborated with university researcher Patrick Manyak to develop a formative experiment to look at the benefits of incorporating strategies to increase student literacy comprehension.  From the findings, Manyak developed daily routines in her classroom called LAW or Literary Analysis and Writing.  Based on research, part of LAW found pre teaching vocabulary and guided discussion increased comprehension from the readings within her students ( Manyak, et al, XXXXdate, pg. 2). The importance of vocabulary comprehension has been tied to intelligence in multiple studies.  Some of the most notable research in the field showing the correlation between vocabulary knowledge and intelligence is noted in Appendix B (Marzano, XXXX, pg. 32).  Marzano theorizes if one can develop foundational vocabulary then one will become intelligent within that subject therefore increasing the potential of success.  Marzano theorizes, “the fact that we experience much of life through working memory opens the door to alternative ways of generating background experiences.  Anything that creates representations in working memory is a potential source of background knowledge” (Marzano, XXXX, pg. 36).  

Virtual Background Knowledge

There are three major ways of creating background knowledge through this working memory known as virtual experiences.  One can develop these virtual memories through reading, language interaction, and educational learning formats like television or youtube videos as an example.  Neuroscientists have studied the brain when reading or hearing a story.  When interacting with a story whether it be reading or hearing a story brainwaves in the reader begin to synchronize with those of the storyteller (Hasson, pg. 14).  Furthermore, stories elicit chemicals in our brains like oxytocin, dopamin, endorphins which help us connect emotionally to the story.  These chemicals or neurons sent throughout our neurological system synchronize with the story teller thus triggering us to remember more of the information we are getting through creating a virtual experience, thereby creating background knowledge.  (Lazauskas, 1:03).  Secondly, virtual memories can be developed through language interaction.  As one interacts with language vocabulary is gleaned from unfamiliar words or phrases.  As one interacts with new vocabulary the intricacies of language are developed.  When reading a book or hearing a song or the smell permiating from a new foreign restaurant these senses connect with new words as a new world is opened up to the individual experiencing this.  As one develops a higher understanding of language and interacts with it in a real meaningful way the memories of that interaction implant in the memory of that individual.  Lastly, education multimedia is a great way of building new background knowledge.  Multimedia platforms help those learners connect with the information through interacting with the content.  The important aspect of building new background knowledge is to adapt the information for the style of learner.  

Theories in Second Language Acquisition

Krashen (1982) equates Second Language Acquisition to 5 hypotheses:  The Acquisition-Learning Hypothesis, the Monitor Hypothesis, the Input Hypothesis, the Affective Filter Hypothesis, and the Natural Order Hypothesis.  The Acquisition-Learning Hypothesis, Krashen stateds there are two ways to gain a second language, the acquired system and language learning.  The acquired system language is obtained through “authentic meaningful interaction with the target language- natural communication- in which speakers are concentrated not in the form of their utterances, but in the communicative act.” (Krashen, pg. 40-55).  Malik Ajmal Gulzar (2014) looked at the effectiveness of the five hypothesis with a foreign language learning lens in the Saudi Arabian classroom.  Within the research Gulzar surmises, Second Language Acquisition theories focused on grammar based teaching without any significant natural communication thereby limiting comprehensible output. (Gulzar, 2014).  English learners or emergent bilinguals to have true language acquisition need an opportunity to practice with the targeted language.  There needs to be an opportunity to obtain comprehensible input and time to produce comprehensible output.  Denise Klein’s research stateds, “Language acquisition is essentially accumulative and existence of accumulated knowledge is a condition to add further knowledge.” (Klein, 1991, p.4).   Both Krashen and Klein theorize language is gained through increasing an understanding of background knowledge in the targeted language.   

Stages of Second Language Acquisition

The five stages of language learning are Pre-Production, Early Production, Speech Emergence, Intermediate Fluency, and Advance Fluency.  When learning a language, the stages are fluid when acquiring language.  Language proficiency moves from stage to stage especially when moving from one stage to another.  In other words, depending on the situation the proficiency levels can move from one stage to another.  Another factor contributing to the movement within stages is anxiety.  Han, Li, and Haider (2022) studied the impact anxiety had on language learners in a higher education classroom.  Their findings showed, increased stress levels in the Chinese students lowered the perceived language proficiency.  As anxiety grows for the emergent bilingual, perceived proficiency decrease in the L2 or the target language.  The Annual Review of Applied Linguistics (2001) compiled a literature review examining the effects of anxiety and language achievement.  In each of these findings, there was a negative correlation between anxiety and language achievement through the use of the FLCAS or Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Score.  

The Effective Filter

This mental wall that language learners feel causing stress is defined by Krashen as the affective filter.  The affective filter is the defined as the affective variables that contribute to second language acquisition.  Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary states affective refers to or arises from or influenced by feelings or emotions.  (Merriam-Webster, 2022).  This barrier is illustrated by images in Appendix C visually depict the barrier created by stresses felt by the foreigner.  In essence the affective filter constricts the flow of knowledge due to stress or uneasiness in the individual.  Carol Salva from Seidlitz Education in her book, Boosting Achievement stateds, “It is not enough to simply teach.  It is not enough to deliver instruction even if it’s made comprehensible to students.  If students’ affective filters are elevated, language acquisition will be impeded.  Creating classroom environments that act intentionally to lower the effective filter will increase language development.  The lower the filter, the more input is allowed to pass through.  Students who are highly motivated, feel confident, and feel safe are more open to input.” (Salva, XXXX, pg. 49)

The stress of making mistakes when speaking a foreign language for beginners creates a delayed response when speaking because translation between their L1 and L2 is occurring in their mind.  As students become more fluent, the translation diminishes, however, corrections are made after the output.  These audible corrections create another type of anxiety in the speaker thus increasing the affective filter.  When speaking as a language learner, the learner will think about what is about to be spoken and check for errors prior to making a single statement.  In beginners this step is more of a translation from the native language to the target language.  In more advanced speakers, the corrections are made after being stated, so the corrections are made post speech.  Krashen defineds this verbal correction as a self monitor.  The fear of not sounding like a native speaker creates the need to self correct.  In Seven Steps to a Language Rich, Interactive Classroom, comprehensible output is achieved through reducing the affective filter and having a judgment free safe environment. (Seidlitz, XXXX, pg. 47-51)

Culture and its Relationship to Language

Learning language is not only knowing the words and their meanings, but language is the knowledge of the culture behind the words.  For example, to transcribe is to write word for word what is being spoken, however to translate is to write the words that are being spoken with the intention of bringing about the meaning and feeling and culture of what is being said. (Levý, 2011, translated to English).  Culture has an enormous impact on language.  Study.com states, “Language is not only words but also pronunciations, tone, and particular dialects. All of these parts of a language are shaped by culture. Culture, meanwhile, is influenced by shared experiences, environment, and history. Language is created and shaped by the needs of a culture as it changes. This means that language and culture are fluid, shifting to reflect one another and the changing landscape of the world.” (Study.com)  Looking at the role of culture in language it can be said that language was developed through culture and that culture was expressed through language.  Until one understands the culture one can not fully understand the language.  In the book Culture is Second Language Teaching and Learning states that adults given enough time and exposure to a second culture and they have the motivation to do so, can and do acculturate.  (Chapelle and Hunston, pg. 32)  Looking at this in another language it is said that when a language goes extinct the entire culture goes extinct at the same time.  


In summary, the research analyzed correlates the depth of background knowledge to expected knowledge.  Going further, background knowledge and be manifested through other avenues other than life experiences such as, reading literature, interacting with the target language, and using multimedia to build background knowledge.  The review also looked at various strategies used within a second language course with the assumption second language acquisition success is comparable to acculturation in a foreign land.  Lastly, the examination of culture on language and the relationship both language and culture have upon one another.  The ability to be strategic in incorporating culture, while at the same time developing background knowledge either through true real or perceived experiences statistically has a greater probability for success. 

Appendix A

Appendix B

Appendix C



Ajmal Gulzar, M., Gulnaz, F., & Ijaz, A. (2014). Utility of krashen’s five hypotheses in the Saudi context of foreign language acquisition/learning. English Language Teaching, 7(8). https://doi.org/10.5539/elt.v7n8p134 

Cacioppo, J. T., Marshall-Goodell, B. S., Tassinary, L. G., & Petty, R. E. (1992). Rudimentary determinants of attitudes: Classical conditioning is more effective when prior knowledge about the attitude stimulus is low than high. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 28(3), 207–233. https://doi.org/10.1016/0022-1031(92)90053-m 

Csi-Admin. (2022, July 15). The five stages of learning a new language. Computer Systems Institute. Retrieved December 6, 2022, from https://www.csinow.edu/blog/five-stages-learning-new-language/ 

Han, S., Li, Y., & Haider, S. A. (2022). Impact of foreign language classroom anxiety on higher education students academic success: Mediating role of Emotional Intelligence and moderating influence of classroom environment. Frontiers in Psychology, 13. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2022.945062 

Klein, D., Mok, K., Chen, J.-K., & Watkins, K. E. (2014). Age of language learning shapes brain structure: A cortical thickness study of bilingual and monolingual individuals. Brain and Language, 131, 20–24. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bandl.2013.05.014 

Language loss. The Language Conservancy. (2020, January 13). Retrieved December 6, 2022, from https://languageconservancy.org/language-loss/ 

Merriam-Webster. (n.d.). Affective definition & meaning. Merriam-Webster. Retrieved December 6, 2022, from https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/affective 

Noam Chomsky and language acquisition – Montgomery County Public Schools. (n.d.). Retrieved December 6, 2022, from https://www.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/curriculum/esol/cpd/module2/docs/chomsky.pdf 

Published by brennatravis View all posts by brennatravis, brennatravis, P. by, Brennatravis, & brennatravis, V. all posts by. (2016, October 5). Academic vs. Social Language Learning. CLD Portfolio. Retrieved December 6, 2022, from https://bmtraviscld.wordpress.com/2016/09/26/academic-vs-social-language-learning/ 

Salva, C., & Matis, A. (2017). Boosting achievement: Reaching students with interrupted or minimal education. Seidlitz Education. 

Stephen Krashen’s theory of Second language acquisition. (n.d.). Retrieved December 6, 2022, from https://www.sk.com.br/sk-krash-english.html

Implementation Outline-

The first attempt was completely wrong and all the time spent creating and working on the assignment was wasted. This assignment was the second in a row where I completely misunderstood the assignment and failed. It was devastating. Here I learned about grace. I thought it was all over at this time and that I was never going to be able to come back. However, I was granted grace to try again and could not have been more thankful. I was not able to really express my thankfulness, but I was very thankful to be allowed another chance to reach my goal. I remember writing this outline the second time and having so much energy at the time. I remember typing quickly and thinking clearly. This assignment really reminds me of the path I had to take. This assignment was my darkest time in terms of schooling for the first attempts which then become one of my climbing out of the whole moments for the second assignment. I know it is strange to say, but I feel these two courses have taught me about technology of course and how to use it in my field, but most importantly and very unexpectantly it taught me about myself and my ability to persevere. Below is my implementation outline.

Business Outline Using Technology

By Allison Parsons

  1. Business Introduction: A liaison between United States universities and South Korean students.  In my business model, there is a three-step process when working as a liaison.  First, I create and build relationships with the universities in the United States and in South Korea.  Secondly, I assist in getting the needed paperwork in order to study abroad in the United States.  Lastly, my responsibility is to maintain contact throughout the stays of the international students in order to achieve a successful and productive time studying abroad for my students.  The introduction of technology can alleviate some known roadblocks in each of these categories thus improving my business model.
  2. Creating and Building Relationships with U.S. and South Korean Universities.  In order to be successful, the need for maintaining and creating new relationships with both U.S. and Korean universities is a constant need.
    1. The need for new U.S. university relationships- Every university offers a student different needs and majors.  Knowing every student finds the importance of these offerings more or less important it cannot be understated that choice is important to the Korean universities and their students.  Therefore, having the ability to match the needs of the students including their desired major of study with a university makes the process much more fluid from beginning to end.  
    2. The current process-
      1. Creating relationships with U.S. universities 
      2. Calling the international admissions officer and setting up an appointment to meet.  
      3. Then traveling to the university to go over the proposal to facilitate international student attendance.  
      4. Using Kakao Talk (Korean real-time messaging service) to connect with the admission officers in South Korea.
      5. Once a year or semester depending, in order to meet face to face with the Korean universities.
    3. Possible uses of technology to revamp the process.
      1. Using a campus search to find the admissions contact prior to calling and sending out an introduction email with a link that explains my company prior to calling therefore building some prior knowledge.  This would reduce the feeling of cold calling.
      2. With the initial introduction email, the meet up can be offered via zoom or Microsoft teams in order to reduce the transit time, however it might still be better to offer a face to face meet up as this does create a more personal feeling.  
      3. The proposal can be updated to include the following.
        1. Student testimonials
        2. University testimonials
        3. How I work
        4. Personal aspect of how I help students
          1. This business is solely individual
          2. Explain how I work at night to keep in contact with Korea.
          3. Explain how I get students ready to be international students
        5. How I get paid
        6. Possibility of creating an MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) and its benefits with a sample MOU
      4. Continue using Kakao Talk to connect with South Korean admissions officers while in the U.S.  However, adding real time meeting via zoom or Teams in order to build on the personal connection needed or expected in South Korean business culture.
      5. When traveling to visit the multiple Korean universities, incorporate a Survey Monkey style questionnaire prior to meeting so that the meeting can be more individualized per campus while at the same time be more focused and productive.
  3. Assisting in the process of attending university in the United States- The process of attending university in the U.S. is three-fold.  First The paperwork needed to be accepted to study abroad needs to be error free before one can be accepted.  Secondly, an interview at the U.S. Embassy must be passed showing proper English proficiency in order to prove potential success while studying abroad.  Lastly, the cultural learning curve that is needed to be comfortable and successful in the United States.
    1. The Proper Paperwork needed to study abroad-
      1. The government paperwork- For the most part, these paperwork regulations are unchanged year after year.  However, if any mistake is made on this paperwork, it will be rejected and sent back.  This can delay a students’ ability to study overseas for a semester if this paperwork is too late to be accepted.
        1. Using technology, a creation of a video library as well as a website showing a model application can be created to ensure that an error-free application has been filled out.  
        2. By creating this video library and website, it should free up some time for myself because many of the questions I receive on a daily basis can be answered.  With this free time, I can devote it to double checking the government application after completion in order to prevent the application from being rejected.
      2. School paperwork- Each school is different in terms of what is required in order to study at that university.  However, many schools have similar requirements.
        1. Compile a folder that inside includes what is required for each university.
        2. Once a school is chosen by the student send out the required university paperwork needed to enroll.
        3. With this email, have a video showing how to fill it out step by step in place with links in the email as well as a form that has been filled out properly as a guide.
        4. If further information or guidance is determined to be needed perhaps use a virtual roundtable discussion board where students can ask their questions and students who have already studied abroad or myself can go on the message boards to answer those specific questions.
      3. Preparing for the U.S. Embassy interview- The interview process tends to be a major stumbling block for many students attempting to study abroad.  A two-prong approach may make this process easier using technology and building background knowledge.
        1. Using technology to prepare students for the interview at the embassy.
          1. Create a video library of frequently asked questions that are asked during the interview process.
          2. Create model responses to said questions.
          3. Schedule mock interviews prior to students going into the interview with advice and encouragement as needed.
        2. Building background knowledge.
          1. Through videos show testimonials of students that have gone before them giving suggestions to prepare for the interview.
          2. Through the community group chats or zoom/teams meetings create a roundtable discussion on how to be successful in the interview.
          3. Prepare model answers to FAQs for students to prepare for the interview.
      4. Reducing the cultural learning curve through building prior knowledge- Many students have mentioned a need to know more about U.S. culture prior to arriving to study.  It has been said that having some information before arriving would have been beneficial.
        1. Creating a library of cultural differences between South Korea and the United States.
          1. Reviewing videos already available would reduce the amount of time needed to create said library.  
          2. It is also important to note that different geographical areas of the U.S. have very different cultures.
            1. Personal culture
            2. Business culture
            3. School culture
            4. Language accents and idioms used
          3. Needed everyday social language used to do everyday things. – This can be accomplished through a google form where it can be constantly updated and edited within the group.  Background knowledge can also be use through open dialogue within the community pages and online meetings.
            1. Banking vocabulary and culture
            2. Shopping vocabulary and culture
            3. Professor/student vocabulary and culture
            4. Restaurant vocabulary and culture
            5. Hanging out vocabulary and culture
            6. School vocabulary and culture
            7. Etc.
          4. The creation of a mentor program. –  During my last visit in mid-November Korean universities had one overall request going forward and that was to have some sort of mentor program for the Korean students in the U.S.  Going forward U.S. universities have worked tirelessly to create a mentor program prior to the start of the spring semester.  In the next coming years, this mentor program can be virtual prior to arrival so that the Korean student and their mentor student can get to know each other through an online program prior to arrival.  
  4. Maintaining a relationship with the students as they are in the United States.  Having many students studying in the United States I have found it difficult to maintain communication with all the students as they progress through their studies.  However, some students have requested a chance to communicate questions while studying in the United States.
    1. Kakao Talk has been used previously; however, it tends to get overloaded at times especially during the first few weeks of arrival and exam time.  During this time, it is necessary to find a way to get the students questions answered quickly and efficiently.  
    2. Using the community page might help with this as culturally Koreans desire to help other Koreans if they are able to do so.
    3. As time goes on creating an FAQ page can be developed as well as a forum much like Reddit where students can post as needed.
  5. Conclusion- The development of my business is constantly changing and as such, thinking about the technology usage within my business can help sustain my business and move it to another level for myself, my students and my university partners.

Connecting and Communicating Your innovation Plan

All the ups and downs come to this. How has what I learned this semester change my business. How can I leverage what I have learned to be successful in my business? What else can I read to get more information? What comes next? Below is my last assignment.

Connecting and Communicating Your Innovation Plan

By:  Allison Parsons

Lamar University

EDLD 5305 Dr. Bedard

              Innovation is by its nature constant.  As such, staying ahead or at the least in line with innovation is one of the most important facets of being successful and providing one’s business the opportunity to survive and thrive.  Presently, innovations have created a global community and as such, my ability to connect university students from South Korea with my partner universities in the United States is much easier through adaptive technology.  Also, technology has made it possible to build background knowledge in those students who have chosen to study abroad.  In another realm of possibilities, technology has made it possible to create an online community thereby supporting students both virtually and in person when deemed necessary.  As it has been stated, technology has made our global community more accessible.  Lastly, the future innovations such as virtual reality can be leveraged in my business in the near future.

As I looked at future technologies, the one that has stood out to me as a potential advancement for my business is virtual reality.  As virtual reality continues to be developed, I envision a time where a student in South Korea can go into a virtual world and experience the nuances of American life without leaving their living room.  The VR experience can be developed to where everyday activities are created in a world where practice speaking and interacting with this virtual world can develop the needed language for this future real-world interaction.  This advancement could significantly reduce the learning curve while at the same time reducing the effective filter.  The learning of the new culture and life in a new country could be experienced in the safety of their country.  This practice reality could be stress free as one can make the mistakes and learn from said mistakes without any repercussions or judgements from anyone.  The development of understanding would effectively eliminate the stress that comes with being in a new country.  For the first time a student would be able to interact in a new country and learn the nuisance of such.  These practice scenarios would give the student a chance to work through their issues before getting on the plane, therefore when they get into a similar            situation it would be practiced.  Lastly, VR could be used for our roundtables.  Much like watching a movie or a sporting event in VR where there are live people in the same room or stadium the round table could be formed much in the same way.  People would be able to interact in this invite only room to discuss the experience of moving to the United States and to ask questions about moving to the United States.  As virtual reality consoles continue to develop, my business can harness this technology to become a leader in the market by offering an experience that no other business in my field could offer.

To summarize my current innovation plan, my business would take a three-pronged approach to recruiting and preparing South Korean university students to obtain the proper visas to study in the United States.  The first prong would consist of how to prepare and eventually pass the visa process.  This would consist of the needed papers and how to complete them properly as to not have them denied and returned thus delaying the entire process.  Second the first prong would prepare the students on passing the interview at the U.S. Embassy.  As stated in the innovation plan, technology can support this by the utilization of online committees and/or online round table discussions, online paperwork completion modeling with a type of Google form showing proper completion, and video modeling consisting of FAQs during the interview process.  The second prong would deal with the cultural difference between South Korea and the United States.  The plan to use technology would be to utilize an online roundtable discussion, a mentor program, and a video library.  The third prong is developing and maintaining relationships with both U.S. and Korean universities.  The innovation plan also gives mobility to begin utilizing new technologies.  For instance, the use of virtual reality can be a cornerstone of my business if and when it is developed in the future.  As I worked through this semester, the innovation proposal started to guide my business plan.  Moving forward the literature review initiated ideas for growing my business while at the same time focusing my business.  Continuing toward becoming proactive in business the implementation outline began the process of looking to the future for advancement of my recruiting business.

As I continued to look to the future, many possible writings were brought to my attention.  First of all, I believe by reading the research by Cipresso et. al entitled “The Past, Present, and Future of Virtual Reality: A Network and Cluster Analysis of the Literature” might bring insight into the possibilities of using VR in the future.  Secondly, there are plenty of articles written about what successful business do to be and stay successful.  For example, articles like “What All Successful Companies Have in Common”, “How Great Companies Think Differently” and many case studies delving into companies like Walmart, Nike, Virgin Atlantic Airways and Harley Davidson can be beneficial to study and develop and more robust business plan.  Just like in life the same goes for business as it is important to continually be learning.  This is the key to success both in life and in business.